A Research on the Phenomenon of the Repetition and Varity of Nuzul

Document Type : Original Article


1 Full professor at University of Tehran

2 Assistant professor at University of Yazd

3 A PhD student of the Quran Sciences & Hadith


In the Quranic sciences books and the tafsir books, the phenomenon of the repetition and replication of nuzul (revelation of the holy Quran) has been seen with these statements: “ما تکرّر نزوله” (What has been repeated its revelation), “نزلت مرّتین” (It has been revealed two times), “نزلت مرّة بعد أخری” (It has been revealed one time after the other time) which they are not supported by hadiths. In the writings of the antecedents, it is not seen. For the first time, it has been presented in Maqatel Ibn Suleyman in the margin of his tafsir for the exegesis of Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and the exegesis of 87th verse of Surat al-Hijr with the word “قیل” (Is said without mentioning the teller). Then, for acting according to the hadiths with contradicting occasions or circumstances of the revelation, Al-Baghawī, Ibn Kathir, Al-Suyūṭī, Al-Zarqani and many Sunni contemporary scholars in their writings in the exegesis of the 113th verse of Surat al-Taubah, 126th verse of Surat Al-Nahl, 85th verse of Sūrat al-Isrāʼ and etc. have investigated it and have counted benefits which they have been stated by Zarkeshi. For the first time, Zarkeshi (the 8th century of Hijri Qamari) with his endeavor presented advantages for the repetition and replication of nuzul (revelation of the holy Quran). The reverence and honor for the mentioned Quran verse and chapter (ayah and surah) and reminding the holy prophet because of forgetting that Quran verse or chapter has been stated of the most important profits of the repetition and replication of nuzul. Without certain accepting it and only with telling the word “قیل” (Is said without mentioning the teller) and without any interpretation, Allameh Tabatabaei and the great Sheikh Tabarsi have expressed this phenomenon for the interpretation the statement €سَبْعًا مِنَ الْمَثَانِی (Surat al-Fatihah is often called as “saba'ah al-mathani” meaning the “seven oft-repeated verses”) and the compatibility of Surat al-Hamd with it. The basis of the origination of this phenomenon which is based on the lack of belief to the infallibility of the holy prophet (peace be upon him), accepting the justice of the prophet's companions, acting and creating harmony between the contradictory occasions or circumstances of the revelation and the justification of the seven qira'at (the seven reciters of the noble Quran) is in contrast with the Shiite interpretive and ideological basis. Meanwhile presenting the phenomenon of the repetition and variety of nuzul and the opinions of the proponents and opponents, this note has criticized the benefits of repeating the revelation and extracted the mentioned bases from the Quran verses and chapters which have been claimed the repetition of the revelation.


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