The Validity and Superiority of the Anfosi Exegesis of the Noble Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Full professor at University of Qom

2 A PhD student of the Quran Sciences & Hadith


In the belief of the Islamic gnostics, the Anfosi (inward) exegesis of the holy Quran is the best method for the exegesis of the Quran verses and understanding the Quranic meanings. But because of some untrue exegetical samples in the gnostic exegeses accompanying with the simple and obvious samples of the Quranic correspondences with the human soul (nafs), it has followed the thought of the lack of the accurate exegetical bases in the gnostics' exegeses. It seems that this has been originated from the lack of the true knowledge of the Anfosi exegesis and the process of its creation. Based on this, this paper has attempted to pay attention to the priority of the Anfosi exegesis over the exoteric (zahir) exegesis while studying the validity of it. Findings indicate that the meaning of Anfosi tafsir is the inner vision -witnessed- (shuhūdi) understandings of the cosmic realities which the Islamic gnostics have accepted them as the stages of the meanings and the esoteric (batin) parts of the Quran verses. The mentioned bases of the gnostics for the Anfosi exegesis are taken from the traditions of Ahl al-Bayt. The samples of their Quran exegeses can be accorded with hadiths. From the view of the gnostic, the serious endeavor for the purification of nafs (soul, self) and also qira'at (the method of recitation of the holy Quran) in a specific way provides the background for the revelation of the Quran meaning (nuzul al-Quran) in the heart. The functions and advantages of the Anfosi (inward) exegesis of the holy Quran also emphasize the necessity of the more attention of the exegetes to this type of the Quran exegesis.


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