The Role of Etymology and Siaq in the Perception of the Quran Verses with the Verbal Similarity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at University of Yasouj

2 An M.A in the Quran Sciences & Hadith


The Quran verses (ayat) with the verbal similarity are those of the Quran verses which are similar from the verbal and semantic point. Most of the Verses with verbal similarity are in the story of Mûsâ ibn 'Imran (Moses in the Hebrew Bible) and the verses relating the Jewish people. Two of these cases are 60th verse of Surat al-Baqarah (Cow) and 160th verse of Surat al-A'araf (The Heights) which there is obvious difference in the application of two terms “انفجرت” (gushed out) and “انبجست” (gushed out). In the books of the justification of the verses with the verbal similarity, different reasons have been implied for this variety in the application of these verses with the verbal similarity. But the reasons can be criticized and cannot be trusted. The etymology science with different tools such as the comparison of terms between the Semitic languages, knowing the verbal originality, the principle of twofold or threefold meaning linguists believe that every Arabic terms at the beginning has a principle of twofold or threefold, the historical semantic, etc. can greatly help to understand the Quran terms and the justification of the verses with the verbal similarity. In this paper with using the tools of the etymology science and with considering the siaq (context) of the Quran verses which both are authentic verbal indications (qarineh), it is mentioned a new justification for this variety which has more congruence with the exact meaning of terms and also the verses siaq.


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