Moral Corruption; A Quranic Look

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at Quran & Hadith University

2 Assistant professor at Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamadan


Current theories of moral philosophy offered in the Quran and Hadith as the main sources of Islamic thought and theories of measurement principles and concepts of these resources, but Difficulty, can be traced partly to Islamic moral theory can be useful. In this paper, Egoism as one of the arguments put forward in the field of normative ethics, have been studied in the context of the Holy Qur'an, It seems more Quran verses, his appearance had egoistic man the keys to his heavenly benefits, including achieve paradise, R. God, salvation, and encourages, You can still find other verses that are against Ethical Egoism and reflects the ethical theory of Islam according to the Holy Quran is not limited only Egoism And explain the ethical theory of Islam is what features need to Reset the many verses of the Holy Quran and other Islamic sources, such as traditions of thought and reason. Substance.


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