A New Investigation into the Authenticity of Vahed Narration in Exegesis Emphasized on al_Sheikh al_Tousi’s View Point

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 Assistant professor at Al_Mostafa International University

3 PhD student of the Comparative Tafsir


One of the questions concerning the authenticity of vahed narration is whether it is confined to the Jurisprudential narrations or it is applicable to the narrations in the field of interpretation of the holy Quran. There are two main viewpoints in this respect and based on statements in the introduction of al_Tibyan, it is related to al_Sheikh al_Tousi that he does not accept the authenticity of vahed narration in the case of exegesis while going exactly through that statement and his other speeches in al_Tibyan and Oddat al_osool, one can come to the conclusion that he is for the authenticity of vahed narration in the field of interpretation of the holy Quran.


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