The Examination of the Divine Life Style in the Light of the Thematic and Structural Readings of Sūrat al_Ḥujurāt Based on the Semantic of Iman and Kufr

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor at University of Arak


This note aims to study the divine life style in the light of the thematic and structural Qira'at (an special readings -recitations- of the holy Quran) of sūrat al_Ḥujurāt with paying attention to the theoretical subject of the semantic of kufr and iman. At the beginning, it is implied to the record of the examination of sūrat al_Ḥujurāt in different exegeses (tafasir) such as al_Mizan, Nemooneh and some monographs. Then, the structure and the subject matter of sūrat al_Ḥujurāt in the light of the divine lifestyle is studied. The expression ”یا أیّها الذین آمنوا“ (O, you who believe) is regarded a kind of summons or address which establishes Islamic ideology. It is used sex times in this chapter. These summonses have been examined in the light of the semantic of the two contradictory concepts “kufr and iman”. Subsequently, it is stated the divine lifestyle is of salbi (privative or negative) type and it is vital to be avoided in the divine lifestyle according to the semantic of the two concepts “iman and kufr” and their semantic field, it is investigated sex disagreeable features: cursing, blaming, defaming, evil thoughts, not spying, backbite. Then piety (taqwaa) is the highest attribute which is effective on these sex disagreeable features is defined. At the end, the paradigm based on these two poles “iman and kufr” for the divine lifestyle has been drawn and has been implied to some findings.


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