“The inimitability of the Qur'an” is one of the topics considered by the masters of the sciences of the Qur'an and one of the theories that have been proposed in this regard is the theory of “the inimitability of cognitive psychology”. The present article, which is a type of library research, examines the cognitive psychology inimitability of the Qur'an in a descriptive-analytical manner, from the perspective of Amin al-Khouli, the Egyptian writer. As a result, from Al-Khouli's point of view, cognitive psychology inimitability is one of the aspects of the literary inimitability-expressive of the Qur'an and what it means is that the Qur'an, with the aim of developing man and reforming society, in its invitation, considers the hidden angles of the human soul and the deep knowledge of the Qur'an from these angles -which is also confirmed by the modern scientific statements of the human psyche- is a sign of the divinity of the Qur'an and its miracles. However, Khouli's theory faces several drawbacks and ambiguities; First, the premise he has laid down for his theory is -in some dimensions and components- incompatible with each other; Second, the foundations of his view contradict some of the necessities of religion; Third, he has not explained some of the key concepts of his theory, and fourth, the evidence for his theory is quantitatively and qualitatively incomplete.
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Tayeb Hosseini, S. M., & Mortazavi, S. E. (2021). Validation of the Theory of Cognitive Psychology Inimitability of the Qur'an with Emphasis on the Views of Amin al-Khouli. Quranic Doctrines, 18(33), 263-282. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.1324
Sayyed Mahmud Tayeb Hosseini; Sayyed Ebrahim Mortazavi. "Validation of the Theory of Cognitive Psychology Inimitability of the Qur'an with Emphasis on the Views of Amin al-Khouli". Quranic Doctrines, 18, 33, 2021, 263-282. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.1324
Tayeb Hosseini, S. M., Mortazavi, S. E. (2021). 'Validation of the Theory of Cognitive Psychology Inimitability of the Qur'an with Emphasis on the Views of Amin al-Khouli', Quranic Doctrines, 18(33), pp. 263-282. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.1324
Tayeb Hosseini, S. M., Mortazavi, S. E. Validation of the Theory of Cognitive Psychology Inimitability of the Qur'an with Emphasis on the Views of Amin al-Khouli. Quranic Doctrines, 2021; 18(33): 263-282. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.1324