A Study on the Concept of Emotion in the Verses of the Holy Quran and Its Relationship with Growth

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at Shahid Beheshti University

2 Student of level 2 at Qudsia Seminary in Behshahr

3 PhD in Jurisprudence & Fundamentals of Islamic Law


The purpose of this study is to understand the concept of emotion and its relationship with growth and to present a conceptual model of the path of emotion according to the verses of the Holy Quran, Tafsir al-Mizan (exegesis of the Quran, the balance in Interpretation of Quran) and the principles of transcendent theosophy. The method of this research is conceptual analysis. Findings show that the human heart is a place of emotion and cruelty of the heart can be effective in not receiving emotions and perceptions of the meanings of truth. Also, some emotions are related to the position of perception and non - adults to the position of expression and action. Some types of emotion are the same between adults and others, while some emotions are specific to a specific group of people. According to verses and exegesis, the intensity of emotion according to the type of emotion in some cases is a sign of maturity and in others it is a sign of lack of maturity. Also, emotions are one of the factors of self-preservation and in Islamic teachings, self-preservation is related to worldly and otherworldly life. It seems that in the field of expression and control of emotion, in addition to both conscious and unconscious forms, a third form is conceivable that God invests (imparts) or controls emotion to a person through reaching a position of faith and piety (righteousness, God-fearing) and the like. On the other hand, it inflicts some negative emotions on the infidels (kuffār) and polytheists, which is in fact the result of their disbelief and polytheism.


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