The Examination of Cultural Peace Position in the Noble Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at Ferdowsi University

2 An MA of Religions & Comparative Mysticism


Contrary to the look of the contemporary criticizers, it seems that religions and holy texts could negate violence and have a crucial role to create peace. Specially, to access the opportunities which holy texts in this field have made before today’s men, violence and peace theories can be used to determine a specific framework. The present research tries to consider the Quran verses through the pioneering theories in this field. The noble Quran in his verses disagrees with cultural violence and gives recommendations and suitable access to set cultural peace. In the field of cultural peace creation can be centralized under the harmonious factor which the noble Quran states more than anything else in one-word language. The common bases are divided in to three categories: metaphysic, biological and historical.
