There are several exegeses which have been propounded by the Shia and Sunni exegetes about the verses 16 to 19 of al-Qiyamah surah and the verse 114 of Ṭāhā surah which have prevent the holy prophet (peace be upon him) from hastening in the Quran recitation and in this paper they are named “the prohibition verses from hastening in the matter of the revelation”. With studying both most important exegeses of the Shia and Sunni Schools, it is resulted the six exegetical attitudes for the mentioned verses. The first attitude is common between Shia and Sunni exegetes based on the prohibition from hastening in the Quran recitation at the time of receiving the revelation and has been observed in all 15 centuries after hijrah and there is no consensus between all exegetes about the other five attitudes and they have not been considered in all preceding centuries as some belong to one religious school (madhhab) or some exegetic works. Each of the mentioned attitudes has confronted with several problems which cause difficulty to be accepted these attitudes. This note with library data collection and description and comparative analysis of the opinions along with intellectual (aqli), transmitted (naqli) and historic criticism, meanwhile accepting the happening of the instant revelation of the Quran (al-nuzūl al-dafʿī, Arabic: النزول الدفعیّ) based on the surah al-Qadr (القدر) and other verses and the related hadiths, it is thought to be a little before the revelation of the prohibition verses from hastening in al-Qiyamah surah and with considering the tradition of imam Sadiq (peace be upon him), he observes that prohibition from hastening is for awareness and before being carried out the prohibited act by the holy prophet (peace be upon him) and indicating not to convey the revealed Quran in the instant revelation.
آلوسی بغدادی، ابوالفضل شهابالدین سیدمحمود بن عبداللّٰه، روح المعانی فی تفسیر القرآن العظیم و السبع المثانی، تحقیق علی عبدالباری عطیه، بیروت، دار الکتب العلمیه، 1415 ق.
ابن ابیحاتم رازی، عبدالرحمن بن ابیحاتم محمد بن ادریس، تفسیر القرآن العظیم مسندًا عن الرسولr و الصحابة و التابعین (تفسیر ابن ابیحاتم الرازی المسمی التفسیر بالمأثور)، تحقیق اسعد محمد طیب، چاپ سوم، ریاض، مکتبة نزار مصطفی الباز، 1419 ق.
ابن ابیزَمَنین، ابوعبداللّٰه محمد بن عبداللّٰه بن عیسی بن ابیزمنین مُرّی، تفسیر ابن ابیزمنین، بیروت، دار الکتب العلمیه، 1424 ق.
ابن اثیر جزری، عزّالدین ابوالحسن علی بن محمد، اسد الغابة فی معرفة الصحابه، بیروت، دار الکتاب العربی، بیتا.
ابن حجر عسقلانی، احمد بن علی، فتح الباری بشرح الصحیح البخاری، چاپ دوم، بیروت، دار المعرفه، بیتا.
ابن حنبل، ابوعبداللّٰه احمد بن محمد، مسند احمد، بیروت، دار صادر، بیتا.
ابن عاشور، محمد بن طاهر، التحریر و التنویر، بیروت، مٶسسة التاریخ العربی، بیتا.
ابن کثیر دمشقی، ابوالفداء اسماعیل بن عمر، السیرة النبویه، تحقیق مصطفی عبدالواحد، بیروت، دار المعرفه، 1396 ق.
همو، تفسیر القرآن العظیم، تحقیق محمد شمسالدین، بیروت، دار الکتب العلمیه، منشورات محمد علی بیضون، 1419 ق.
ابوالفتوح رازی، حسین بن علی، روض الجنان و روح الجنان فی تفسیر القرآن، تحقیق محمدجعفر یاحقی و محمدمهدی ناصح، مشهد، بنیاد پژوهشهای اسلامی آستان قدس رضوی، 1408 ق.
اَبیاری، ابراهیم، الموسوعة القرآنیه، قاهره، مٶسسة سجل العرب، 1405 ق.
Dehghan Baghi, S. R. (2021). Studying and Criticizing the Interpretative Opinions about the Prohibition Verses from Hastening in the Matter of the Revelation. Quranic Doctrines, 18(34), 279-308. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.13.1004
Sayyed Rouhollah Dehghan Baghi. "Studying and Criticizing the Interpretative Opinions about the Prohibition Verses from Hastening in the Matter of the Revelation". Quranic Doctrines, 18, 34, 2021, 279-308. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.13.1004
Dehghan Baghi, S. R. (2021). 'Studying and Criticizing the Interpretative Opinions about the Prohibition Verses from Hastening in the Matter of the Revelation', Quranic Doctrines, 18(34), pp. 279-308. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.13.1004
Dehghan Baghi, S. R. Studying and Criticizing the Interpretative Opinions about the Prohibition Verses from Hastening in the Matter of the Revelation. Quranic Doctrines, 2021; 18(34): 279-308. doi: 10.30513/qd.2021.13.1004