Critical Analysis of the Views of Commentators and Thinkers of Quranic Sciences about Attributing Spiritual Distortion to the Holy Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at University of Holy Quran Sciences and edudation

2 Faculty member of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

3 MA of Quran Sciences


Undoubtedly, throughout history, some have tried to interpret the meaning of Qur'anic verses based on their own views. This disgusting act is called “eisegesis” in the narrations and is attributed to the distorters, not to the Qur'an, but gradually, among Shiite and Sunni Qur'an scholars, “eisegesis” of individuals, with the “figurative distortion” of the Qur'an is considered identical and the interpretation of figurative distortion is attributed to the Holy Qur'an, and due to the occurrence of eisegesis of individuals, the figurative distortion of the Qur'an is also considered inevitable. This article examines and criticizes this view with a descriptive-analytical method and by presenting intellectual and narrative (traditional) reasons, challenges the similarity of eisegesis of individuals and the figurative distortion of the Qur'an and emphasizes the clear differences between the interpretation of the opinion of those who have false opinions with the figurative distortion of the Qur'an; thus, the existence of eisegesis according to the opinion of individuals, not in the signification of concordance (conformity), is the same as the figurative distortion of the Qur'an, nor in the signification of containment and consecutive (meaning) signification, it contains and proves it. The authors promote the attribution of semantic (figurative) distortion to individuals, rather than the attribution of figurative distortion to the Holy Qur'an.
